Sunday, November 23, 2008

"The Crops are In....Let's Go to Market"

It was a long summer in Carolina, but thankfully, except for a few days of 100 plus degress in June, it moderated in July and August, and the weather was liveable. I worked at new programs in the mornings and in the afternoons I did chores on my 3 acres of Sandhills forest. Now I have a new gardener, and he is a whiz. He has pulled so much together that I was never able to finish, and in general, made everything look 10 times better. I think gardening and working at music have traits in common. Watching a plant grow reminds me of the steps it takes to learn a new piece of music. Constant attention is the secret. But always there is the treat of pests, drought, heat, cold, all the elements. You learn to be philosophical. Sometimes benign neglect is the correct course.Put it away and come back later. Things have a way of taking care of themselves if you give it enough time and patience. My students always told me I was patient...and they would marvel that I didn't scream and rant and rave. I always told them it took too much energy to do that, and besides, its terrible for your health. So, I treated them like plants ( some were definitely hot house plants!) and cultivated them slowly but surely.

Now all the leaves are down and the weather has been unseasonably cold. But I have already traveled around the state giving master classes and recitals, plus a PowerPoint program on Vladimir Horowitz. I love contact with the young. It renews hope for the world and it make one feel that what one has to offer my just live on.