Saturday, July 19, 2008

Beethoven and the Kitchen Sink....

Watching design shows on HGTV has become as predictable as thunder storms in July in South Carolina. What is it that makes for all this blah paint color and bare floors. Home buyers today seem terrified of color, hate carpet and run from one sink bathrooms. The joke is that everything ends up generic, destroying anything that has any character in its path. Perhaps it is a vast marketing ploy that networks buy into. Everything has to be stainless steel, granite and huge. It is no news that most home buyers can't visulize anything in their heads, so everything has to be spelled out for them. Get rid of all but the most basic furniture, so that the rooms will appear bigger than they really are. Don['t dare put any pictures on the wall, except for the most hopeless expressions of decorator art. The joke is when you see the homes the prospective buyers are living in at present they stand revealed as overstuffed, usually filthy and tasteless. Functional means let it drop where you last used it. Stuff, stuff and more stuff.

Now apply this 21st century mentality to a movement of Beethoven. First of all, don't let your emotions get in the way. You might turn off a potential listener. Keep your technique efficient, cool, and stainless. Don't dare turn dramatic, and evoke all sorts of colors and moods in your interpretation. Keep it cool. Avoid the clutter of pedal effects and dare to distain tradition. Keep the cobwebs out of your interpretation. Down with the past. Who needs that. Cart it all to the dump.

Lets live in the present, hooked up to instant cells and computers, eyes glued to the screen. Don't talk to anyone except by cell phone, otherwise your body language will give away what you really mean. Be cool man...or woman...or inbetween.

In a few years trucks will be spotted carrying all that granite and stainless steel to the dump. What will be the next trend!! Don't worry...its just around the corner.

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