Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama on the Runway

Its silly season in the presidential race. Obama captures Berlin and mows Sarkozy down to size in Paris. The Obama team does have a thing about images, and they think big. Now we have McCain saying Obama is really in the same league as Paris and Britney...and just as clueless. That recent ad juxtaposing the two lifestyles..Obama versus the Clueless Duo...would seem to be a particularly nasty bit, but those Rovians are past masters at the devious. What disturbs is the underlying imagery in this noted in the Huffington Post. Turn off the sound and you see the undercurrent of violence, ending in a blinding flash, suggesting the assaination of Obama. I wonder how many will clue into that. Talk about subliminal! What is lacking so far is any depth of talk about the issues. Its all fearmongering and we are back to square one. McCain does have egg on his face as he said he would not run this kind of attack campaign...but obviously he has changed his mind. Obama is a great orator, but his Berlin speech was all pose and no substance. I rather miss Hillary and her vast knowledge of current problems, and her rather grim determination to get it across. But it is still silly season, and August is a long month.

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